
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Glory Be to God!

We give God all the glory for our new journey.  We praise Him as often as we can.  He loves praise and when we praise Him, He pours blessing down upon us; grace, mercy, salvation...  He knows what we need.  He knows our hearts!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy.  
Thank You for salvation.  
Thank You for sacrificing Your only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to save us from our sin and to give us eternal life in heaven.
You are the Living God.  The Almighty God.  You are the "I AM"
Thank You Heavenly Father!
Thank You for Your Word and keeping Your word.
Thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us.
Thank You for Wisdom and Knowledge.
Thank You for Life and Death.  For with life we find our way to Jesus Christ, who is our intercessor to You Oh Lord, and He prepares us for death, because with death we are given eternal life in Heaven.
Thank You for our families, love and beauty of this world (creation).
Thank You for blessing us so that we may be a blessing to others.

Thank You Heavenly Father, please hear our prayer.  